// About Service

Error Handling

An important element of SupportSuccess! is the ability to handle errors and problems, especially production system problems that need to be escalated by the client's I. T. Operations or Help Desk teams.

The error handling process is broken down into multiple components. Every problem reported to SattvaIT is logged. The Solution Expert reviews the problems and rates the seriousness. He/she will collaborate with client personnel if necessary, and client personnel will have the final decision on the rating. If, upon initial reporting of a problem, it is rated by the person reporting it as "critical", the Solution Expert will be notified immediately. Once notified, the Solution Expert will assess and analyze the problem, and determine how quickly it requires resolution. The assessment process for "critical" problems is handled within the contracted Service Level Agreement (SLA).

Once problems have been reported and rated, the Solution Expert will work with the client and determine a schedule for resolving the problem. Problems can be corrected either within a scheduled release ("in sequence"), or outside of a scheduled release ("out-of sequence"), depending upon the impact to the user base.